Tuesday 17 April 2007

16:00 - 18:00

Today I went into work. I started at 4 in the afternoon doing a job called 'recovery', as Primark is so cheap people don't mind knocking all the clothes all over the floor, but they would mind if they were all over the floor. So for over 2 hours I have to fold up clothes off the floor and arrange them on a table, in size and colour order. This job is very tedious and leaves you staring out the windows at 'freedom', contemplating if its worth folding the next t-shirt for your measly wage. Occasionally a customer will ask the location of a item, or if you have a item in another size which isn't out on the other stocked tables; the social interaction leaves you with a thrill, in comparison to the complete boredom of the average recovery. Just to make it even worse a 4 to 6 shift, only supposed to take 2 hours, increases to 2 hours and 20 minutes, as the shop is understaffed and recovery is never finished by 6 o'clock.

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